How mental shortcuts guide loan success and repayment
Zhang, Michael Xiaoquan • Zhang, Michael Xiaoquan • • 6 mins read
Using no-brainer approaches is normal in daily routines, but adding a little bit of thought could go a long way in personal finance By Putro Harnowo, Senior Content Manager, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK A good decision requires critical thinking and time but many of us don’t have enough privilege or patience to ponder sometimes. […]
Will lack of internet skills prevent seniors from travelling?
Wan, Lisa Chun-ying • Wan, Lisa Chun-ying • • 6 mins read
Guess which destination is more appealing for senior tourists: charming scenery and delicious cuisine or easy access and age-friendly services? The answer depends on their surfing skills By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK Young faces often take the spotlight in discussions about tourism, yet senior tourists, with their discretionary savings and […]
Are you ready to eat green for a sustainable future?
Cisternas Vera, Francisco • Cisternas Vera, Francisco • • 5 mins read
What we choose to eat not only affects the health of our own body, but also the health of the earth By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK From cultivation to consumption at the dining table, every stage of food production can create greenhouse gases that exacerbate global warming. Around a third […]
How robot servers tempt unhealthy diets
Choi, Sungwoo • Choi, Sungwoo • • 6 mins read
Substituting humans in the service industry could backfire without adequate reasoning, a new study finds By Putro Harnowo, Senior Content Manager, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK Automation is the backbone of modern industry. It streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, drives innovation, and even starts preparing and serving food for humans. International restaurants have deployed robot chefs, […]
Attention is the new gold, but how to mine it
Ke, Tony Te, Hu, Mandy Mantian • Ke, Tony Te • Hu, Mandy Mantian • • 5 mins read
Despite their limited product assortment, a new study reveals that small businesses can challenge industry leaders by effectively capturing consumers’ attention By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention,” writes Herbert Simon, an American Nobel Laureate who proposed the concept of attention economy. In […]
The art of wearing luxury products
Jung, Sungjin • Jung, Sungjin • • 5 mins read
Luxury consumption often garners mixed perceptions, yet openly expressing one’s passion for luxury can be beneficial By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK The adage “you are what you wear” often leads many to buy branded products. People normally buy luxury brands for their extraordinary appeal and the confidence they can inspire. […]
Beyond gender: Rethinking consumer preferences for appearance or functionality
Dai, Xianchi • Dai, Xianchi • • 6 mins read
While it is common to assume that men prefer practical products and women lean towards pretty ones, new research challenges this gender-based belief, suggesting consumers’ actual preferences may defy By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” was coined by American author John Gray for […]
Love is in the air, so are your credit cards
Wan, Lisa Chun-ying • Wan, Lisa Chun-ying • • 6 mins read
New study finds that romantic theme plays a critical role in stimulating tourists’ impulsive buying behaviour By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK Have you ever felt that irresistible pull when exploring tourist spots, only to be drawn to something more? Imagine strolling through the Notting Hill district in London or Montmartre […]
Exposing real estate agent’s role in tax evasion
Yang, Zoe Yang • Yang, Zoe Yang • • 6 mins read
New study sheds light on the involvement of real estate agents in tax evasion practices in China’s housing market, calling for regulatory measures and increased transparency By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK In a highly anticipated move, China’s top judicial authorities have recently declared that twin contracts or “yin-yang contracts”, which […]
AI vs. humans: Who wins in handling service rejections?
New research shows chatbots can help reduce negative reviews in certain cases, despite the general preference for human agents By Pan Jingyi, Principal Writer, China Business Knowledge @ CUHK There will come a time when personal interaction in handling customer services becomes obsolete. And that time might be sooner than we thought. Companies have increasingly […]